How to Secure Your Apple ID
If you own any Apple devices or have a subscription to Apple Music and Apple TV, then you have an Apple ID. That one account connects you to tons of services. How do you make sure that no one steals…

How to Encrypt Your Computer: Part 2
In my last post, I wrote about how to encrypt your computer. Did you notice that I didn’t talk about Windows? There’s a reason that I left it out. Encrypting a computer with Windows installed on it is a bit…

How to Encrypt Your Computer: Part 1
One day I found myself wondering, “Could I encrypt my whole computer?” I had already encrypted a folder and a flash drive with VeraCrypt. You can encrypt your hard drive with VeraCrypt (something I haven’t tried yet), but I wanted…

How to Permanently Delete Files
How do you permanently delete something? Do you just hit the delete key or the trash can icon? Do you empty the Recycle Bin on your desktop? Unfortunately, none of those things will permanently delete a file. You see, deleting…

Tor is Good But It’s Not Magic
In my post How to Use Tor, I showed you the basics of using the Tor Browser. But Tor is more complicated than that, and setting up a super-secure connection is harder than you think. Using the Tor Browser can…

The Potential Perils of OpenPGP
About a year ago, I wrote this post on PGP. I showed you the basics of how PGP works, what software uses it, and how it is used to protect your emails and your files. I also told you that…

How to Use VeraCrypt: Part 1
header image courtesy of WOCinTech Chat Have you ever thought about encrypting a flash drive or your whole computer? There’s lots of software out there that can do that, but which one should you pick? Many of them are for…

How to Use Tor
Note: This post is a beginner’s guide to the use of the Tor browser. It is not intended as a complete guide to the use of Tor. To learn more about potential risks, please read Tor is Good But It’s…

Introducing Signal – Updated
Note: this is an updated version of my previous post about Signal. After the last U.S. presidential election and the repeal of privacy protection laws regarding Internet use, many consumers became interested in keeping their communications private. The phrase “Use…

Securing Your Google Account
Updated September 2023 Google is no longer just a search engine. It is a tech company with all sorts of projects and products. Your Google account is a precious thing. Why should you protect it? Because it contains multitudes of…
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