How to Secure Your Apple ID
If you own any Apple devices or have a subscription to Apple Music and Apple TV, then you have an Apple ID. That one account connects you to tons of services. How do you make sure that no one steals…

Using Flash Drives With Your Phone
There’s never enough space on your smartphone, is there? If you’re like me, you have tons of photos and videos in there, not to mention ebooks and other documents. So what do you do if you need to send a…

I Replaced a Dead Hard Drive
A few years ago, I wrote about how important it was to always back up your computer. After all, your computer could get lost, damaged, or stolen. But there’s another awful possibility: your hard drive could die. There’s a lot…

How to Encrypt Your Computer: Part 2
In my last post, I wrote about how to encrypt your computer. Did you notice that I didn’t talk about Windows? There’s a reason that I left it out. Encrypting a computer with Windows installed on it is a bit…

How to Encrypt Your Computer: Part 1
One day I found myself wondering, “Could I encrypt my whole computer?” I had already encrypted a folder and a flash drive with VeraCrypt. You can encrypt your hard drive with VeraCrypt (something I haven’t tried yet), but I wanted…

How to Permanently Delete Files
How do you permanently delete something? Do you just hit the delete key or the trash can icon? Do you empty the Recycle Bin on your desktop? Unfortunately, none of those things will permanently delete a file. You see, deleting…

Get a Password Manager
I resisted getting a password manager for years. My passwords were written down in a notebook, alphabetized and paired up with the matching usernames. But it just wasn’t practical to carry that notebook around all the time. There were many…

From Windows to Chromebooks
My old laptop had not aged well. It was slow and getting slower every day. I needed a new one, but my budget was tight. In every electronics store I went to, there would always be at least one Chromebook….

Backup Basics Part 2: Free Software and Apps
In my previous post Backup Basics, I told you about using external hard drives and cloud storage to backup your computers and mobile devices. Not only are external hard drives getting larger (and cheaper), but there are a number of…

Backup Basics
Many years ago, I had a very bad habit: I didn’t backup my files. I learned the hard way that this was a recipe for disaster. One day, something went wrong with my antivirus software; it corrupted Windows to the…
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