How to Permanently Delete Files
How do you permanently delete something? Do you just hit the delete key or the trash can icon? Do you empty the Recycle Bin on your desktop?
Unfortunately, none of those things will permanently delete a file.
You see, deleting a file doesn’t actually destroy it. It just removes the reference in the file system and tells the computer that the hard drive space where the file is can be used by something else. The file itself is still there and will be there until that space gets used by something else. The key to permanently deleting something is to write over it, much like scribbling over something written on paper.
There are many ways to over-write hard drive space. The difference lies in how the file is written over (with ones, zeros, or a pattern of characters) and how many times it’s written over. For example, the US Navy standard is to write over space three times. So, which apps can do this for you?
Windows has a built-in way to erase files called cipher. This isn’t a stand-alone program; it can only be accessed the old-fashioned way – by typing in commands. To use it, open up PowerShell and type in “cipher w:” followed by the list of folders where the file is located. Cipher is simple, but the downside is that it can take a long time to work.

A much more efficient way is Eraser. It’s an open-source app that provides a lot of options. You can make a schedule for erasing files, choose the method to write over them, and even automatically replace an erased file with another one of your choice.

Apple products have a reputation for being more secure than others. Up until macOS Yosemite, there was Secure Empty Trash. This was an option for emptying the Trash folder on the Dock. It no longer exists; Apple removed it from newer versions of macOS because it is not compatible with solid state drives. But there are other ways to safely get rid of unwanted files.
iMobie’s MacClean 3 is a maintenance app that can get rid of all kinds of unwanted files, from browser cookies to duplicate files. The important feature is File Eraser, which you can find under the Cleanup Tools menu. Select the files you want to get rid of, then choose the erase method. You can buy a one-year subscription for $19.99 or a permanent license for $29.99.

Permanent Eraser has much less options than MacClean 3, but it’s still effective. It deletes and over-writes files that are in Trash. You can find it for free in the App Store.

Secure Erase with iShredder 6 is a good option for all things Android. The free version will erase data from your apps and photo thumbnails. The paid versions can also erase things like facial recognition files, photos, videos, and mounted devices like SD cards. There are three paid versions: Professional ($4.99), Enterprise ($8.99), and Military ($9.99).

Shreddit is another option for Android phones and devices. It uses the same methods to delete your files as iShredder 6 does. Shreddit doesn’t organize your files as nicely as iShredder 6, but it is free.

Any iOS device has a built-in method for deleting files. But a word of caution: this will not only delete photos and text messages, but all of your personal information. It should only be used if you are planning on selling or giving away your device.
If you want permanently erase select files, there is a version of iShredder for iOS. This app doesn’t go on your iPhone itself; you install it on a regular computer, then connect your iOS device to delete the files. This app is available for $29.99.
Now you know how to permanently delete files. You have affordable, effective ways to do it, no matter what kind of device you’re using.